Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Young Enterprise Recognised
Teams and individuals in schools nationwide took on the challenge of taking £10 loans to set up a business and make a good profit in a month. The average return was £42, while the largest profit came to a grand £736.
Supported by the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA) and funded by entrepreneurs Peter Jones and Michael and Xochi Birch – the founders of social networking site Bebo – the campaign is run by Make your Mark, which hopes to give young people the confidence and ambition to become enterprising.
Peter Jones, entrepreneur and Make Your Mark chairman presented the awards. He said: “These budding young entrepreneurs have shown that they have the drive and determination necessary to make things happen. In a time when teenagers are often portrayed as the source of society’s problems, I’m pleased that Make Your Mark with a Tenner has helped them to demonstrate the opposite – that young people are creative and innovative and that they can be trusted with cold, hard cash to help improve things for themselves and others.”
Henry Pearce from
The best group return was £493 (on £20) by two students from
Other enterprising ideas included a Bollywood Dance performance, a silent disco and a healthy tuck shop.
Everybody recognises the loon that stands in the middle of the dance floor, shaking their hips and contorting their body to a beat that has no correlation what – so – ever with the music you can hear. Most people would spend the rest of their evening trying to avoid this particular type of person in a bid to avoid the impending embarrassment of being caught within close quarters of them.However it’s taken a pair of Dutch DJ’s to realise that fun could be had in abundance as soon as you provide everyone with their own set of wireless headphones and encourage freestyle dancing to the music only you and half the other dancers can hear.
To puzzled onlookers it’s an odd sight, a tent full of people wearing wireless headphones, half of whom are grooving to Fatboy Slim’s ‘Rockefeller Skank’, while the other half are head banging to the sounds of Nirvana’s ‘Street Spirit’. Odd it may look, but curiosity would get the better of many an onlooker and it wouldn’t be long before the audience made the transition from fascinated bystanders to enthusiastic participants.
Such is the addiction of the Silent Disco that it’s making its appearance this year across the festival scene at Wychwood, Oxygen, T in the Park, Guilfest, Global Gathering, Womad, The Carling Weekend and Electric Picnic.
The Silent Disco is hosted by NO DJ and DJ OD. The former is a tall Dutchman with a love of Hawaii and hard house, while the latter prefers beer, polka and rock – apparently. Whoever you decide to listen to rest assured you’ll be accompanied by the soothing sounds of commentary akin to the vocal accompaniments of first grade acting in 70’s Dutch porn movies.
Interactivity is a key feature of the Silent Disco, bored with one song? Then simply switch channels on your wireless headphones and you can listen to something else. Two Dj’s play simultaneously, offering a hilarious fusion of uncoordinated dancing and even less cohesive singing.
Losing yourself in the music is all part of the fun and occasionally you might want to stop, take your head phones off and listen to what everyone else is singing. It really is a unique experience.
Popularity of The Silent Disco has been soaring since its inception in the summer of 2002. In 2004 there were 78,000 people who had danced/moshed/skanked (delete as appropriate) to the Silent Disco, a number that is continuing to grow.
If you get the chance this summer stop by the Silent Disco and take a look, I promise you it won’t be long before you’re donning a pair of wireless headphones and dancing like that uncontrollable loon.
Mind Control
and finally...
Robert Frost (1874-1963)
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
1Whose woods these are I think I know.
2His house is in the village though;
3He will not see me stopping here
4To watch his woods fill up with snow.
5My little horse must think it queer
6To stop without a farmhouse near
7Between the woods and frozen lake
8The darkest evening of the year.
9He gives his harness bells a shake
10To ask if there is some mistake.
11The only other sound's the sweep
12Of easy wind and downy flake.
13The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
14But I have promises to keep,
15And miles to go before I sleep,
16And miles to go before I sleep.
Human Perception Test - Watch the best video clips here
try this...
Perception in business:
"Mind Control and Subliminal Perception
This summer, in America, the Sci-Fi channel has been broadcasting the popular program, "Mind Control with Derren Brown". Derren Brown, who is immensely popular in the UK, is a mentalist, an illusionist who uses mind control techniques to "get" people to do things for him. It's a highly entertaining show and offers a great benefit for viewers, even teaching them how some of the techniques work!
Of course, Derren doesn't have super powers -- he's a really smart guy who has learned many of the persuasive tricks that people use around us all the time, not the least of which is subliminal perception.
Subliminal perception is a known psychological phenomenon that has been studied and researched since the 19th century. It does affect the way we think and behave in varying degrees.
This article will discuss subliminal perception as a means of mind control and how Derren, in his program, uses it to amaze his audience.
Subliminal Perception – Is It Mind Control?
There are two types of perception, supraliminal perception and subliminal perception.
Supraliminal Perception is when we consciously AND unconsciously experience an event. You are experiencing supraliminal perception right now as you read this page. You see the words, consciously read them, and unconsciously process them and how you feel about their meaning. The vast majority of our experience is supraliminal in nature.
Subliminal Perception is when we experience something while we are consciously distracted or that occurs so fast that we cannot consciously perceive it. This is very important in mind control techniques because it gets information and ideas past the discrimination of the conscious mind.
We live in such a hectic world where we are inundated with visual messages and information, some of which is very useful, so we often experience a visual subliminal perception benefit.
This isn't Orwellian mind control; it's often the transmission of necessary information! When you see the name of a Taxicab company printed on the side of a taxi as it is speeding by, you have a visual subliminal perception benefit. Your unconscious mind records the name of the cab company although consciously, you ignore the cab. Yet the next time you need to phone for a taxi, the chances are that you will unconsciously remember the name of the cab company and hire them.
Putting Subliminal Perception to Work for Mind Control
While you may feel that mind control is a bad or dangerous thing, it's often just a matter of course, benign and can be used for great benefit.
In the first episode of Derren Brown's program, "Mind Control" he showed how he could get people in an American shopping mall to raise their hands.
He made an announcement over the PA system of a silly offer and that anyone who wanted to take advantage of it should raise his or her hand. He spoke rather quickly, several times mentioned a benefit, gave a sense of urgency, and spoke with his British accent, which some Americans find difficult to understand. Of course, this is a TV program so we saw the visual results. Several people raised their hands!
How did he get people to raise their hands?
The "trick" was a form of subliminal perception and group behavior that was so visual, anyone could see it, if they looked closely.
A few people in the mall, who did not understand fully what Derren said, focused only on the benefit part of the offer he announced.
They basically were "not paying attention", so the benefit is what subliminally got into their minds, and they wanted to have that benefit. They raised their hands. Who wouldn't?
Then, others in the mall did the same, although many of them did not know what they were doing. This is group dynamics based on visual perception. People tend to follow a leader. So when some people SAW others (who they were not really paying attention to consciously) raising their hands (visual subliminal perception benefit desire), they waited a moment and then joined in, not wanting to miss out.
Very clever, Derren! Here we had visual confirmation of the power of subliminal perception, aided by group dynamics.
Real Life Subliminal Perception – TV Ads
Have you ever seen a TV ad for some product, i.e. a kitchen utensil? They demonstrate the product, then tell you to "Hurry and order within the next 15 minutes to get special pricing."
It's well known that most people tend to "filter out" TV commercials. They are often doing something else (i.e. making a sandwich). While there is no visual stimulus because they aren't looking at the TV set, they often can still hear the message.
That's when subliminal perception comes in. While they are consciously focused on making a sandwich or some other activity, they are unconsciously hearing the message of "Hurry and order within 15 minutes..." Of course, in this case, it isn't a visual subliminal perception benefit, it's aural subliminal perception to get a benefit. But the benefit to the advertiser is the same. The audience has a sense of urgency.
This isn't really mind control. It's clever advertising. The technique doesn't work with everyone, but market research has shown that it works with enough people to make the commercial effective and they do get people calling in. Oh, and sometimes, it's a great product, so there is even more benefit!
Remember, it's not really mind control because it doesn't MAKE you do something. It just gives you a sense of urgency, taking advantage of the fact that you are probably not paying attention to the commercial in the first place!
Subliminal Perception For A Great Benefit
In one of the episodes of "Mind Control", Derren "teaches" a woman to play the piano in a week. The woman's own assessment was that she could not play the piano other than to bang out "chopsticks".
Derren worked with her for one week, using a variety of aural, not visual subliminal perception and self hypnosis techniques.
At the end, the woman performed a live concert of a complex piece written by Mozart, based on the theme from the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". She played it beautifully.
At the end of the segment, Derren revealed that the woman actually had studied piano until about the age of seven, when for several reasons, she dropped it and went out of practice. So, she always knew how to play the piano, but she was blocked from doing it.
What he did was "re-program" her unconscious mind to eliminate the negative feelings and blocks she had that got her to stop playing the piano in the first place.
Thus she was able to play the complex Mozart piece because her inner unconscious mind was no longer blocking her ability to put into practice (so to speak) her ability to play the piano.
The segment was very inspiring, wonderful, and the music was super!
Empowering Your Own Mind Control Through Subliminal Perception
While the TV show, "Mind Control with Derren Brown" is not a scientific study -- it's an entertainment by a highly skilled and personable celebrity -- it does bring to public awareness something that science has been studying for years, the power of subliminal perception for self induced mind control.
ClydeSight Productions' Digital Subliminal Perception Programs (DSPP) take this process a few steps further along the line. They help you empower your own mind control for visual subliminal perception benefit using techniques found in hundreds of scientific studies to be highly effective for self motivation and mental self help.
Additionally, they use brain wave stimulation to put you in a relaxed state during the process. They are simple to use and work like a movie. You start a program, sit back, and watch your computer screen for 15 minutes. During that time, hundreds of visual subliminal perception affirmations enter your unconscious mind. Over time (a few days to a few weeks), the visual subliminal perception benefit of these programs gives you your own mind control over your own unconscious thoughts, just as the woman who regained her ability to play the piano got over her negative blocking thoughts.
Subliminal Perception Benefit
The TV show, "Mind Control with Derren Brown" is a really entertaining program. Derren doesn't reveal all his secrets, but he has been kind enough to the audience to show how subliminal perception can be used for great benefit. The woman who played the piano after years of neglect was in tears of gratitude, and she will never forget her experience. That segment of the show was particularly moving. Bravo Derren Brown!
Mind control is a bit of an ambiguous term. Much of what is attributed to mind control is simply clever advertising and good use of subliminal perception. We always experience visual subliminal perception and it is often of great benefit.
The TV show, "Mind Control with Derren Brown" is a wonderfully entertaining program that shows how these techniques are at work in our daily lives.
When we use them in effectively created visual subliminal perception benefit programs, we can take mind control over our own lives and change them, eliminating bad habits, negative and painful thoughts, even re-capturing a long lost talent. As we say on our home page – Seeing Is Believing.
Just ask Derren Brown!"
Then there's subliminal advertising...
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