The average person passes gas about 14 times a day, and normally it doesn't smell bad. But what about when it does?
Here's one tip. Go easy on eggs, meat, beer, beans, and cauliflower. They all release nose-assaulting hydrogen sulfide when broken down by bacteria in the gut.
Sulfur Solution
Some of the sulfur-rich foods mentioned above may be healthy favorites of yours, so don't feel like you have to give them up completely. To avoid the smell, eat some leafy green vegetables or pop a probiotic pill (specifically one rich in Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) along with the sulfur-producing items. For beans, which are full of good-for-you nutrients you shouldn't pass up, soak them ahead of time, or try a little Beano. Check out this video clip on how to soak dried beans.
Gas Attack
If you find that you get gas frequently, you may need to not only avoid certain foods but also change your whole approach to eating. Try these tips:
* Eat smaller meals more often. Along with fighting flatulence, mini meals help control appetite. Here's how.
* Ditch bubbly drinks. Carbonated beverages can cause bad gas. Find out why they're bad for your heart, too.
* Beware of fats. High-fat foods slow digestion. (But don't give up the friendly kind.)
* Get moving. Regular exercise makes for a healthy bowel. (Set a walking goal and track your progress.)
Could your GI problems be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome? Find out with this quick quiz.
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